Do★Math 数学博物館 Mathematics Museum
「Do★Math 数学博物館」からのお知らせ
私たちは、算数・数学を手に触れたり、パズルやゲームでわかりやすく、そして楽しみながら理解できる「Do★Math 同志社中学校数学博物館」を2016年5月にオープンいたしました。展示物の多くを並べた数学科オープンスペース(「数学メディアスペース」)を中心に、数学教室ゾーンを総称して、Do★Mathです。
ランドルト環という大きさの決まった記号「C」を5メートル離れたところで見分けられると、視力は1.0です。そして、ランドルト環の大きさは変えずに、人が10メートルに離れたところで見分けることができると、視力は2.0です。そうです、視力と距離は比例しているのです。ランドルト環は眼科医エドムント・ランドルト (スイス 1846-1926) によって開発され、彼の名前がそのまま名称となりました。
(数学科 園田)
“Visual acuity testing”
We always see the chart for visual acuity on the wall. Characters or symbols get smaller as we look at the chart from top to bottom. In many cases, we can’t measure visual acuity of more than 2.0.
We will tell you about definition of visual acuity. If you can see “C”(a Landolt C) at a distance of 5 meters, your visual acuity is 1.0. If you can see it at the same size at 10 meters, your visual acuity is 2.0. You will see that visual acuity is in proportion to distance. A Landolt C is a symbol of an optotype that was developed by the Swiss-born ophthalmologist Edmund Landolt (1846-1926).
There is a Landolt C on the wall of the hallway on the 3rd floor. We indicate a distance from it, at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 meters on the floor.
Please come to Do★MATH and try!
2の20乗 – 104万8576 エクセル画面の行数
2の21乗 – 209万7152 長野県の人口209万人
2の22乗 – 419万4304 宇宙最速の白色矮星「US 708」、420万km/時
2の23乗 – 838万8608 ブラジル国土851万km²
2の24乗 – 1677万7216 オランダ人口、約1700万人
2の25乗 – 3355万4432 錦織圭さんの年収3350万ドル(フォーブズ2016長者番付)
2の26乗 – 6710万8864 NASA深宇宙探査向けに高度ソーラー電気推進システム6700万ドル
2の27乗 – 1億3421万7728 世界で1年間に産まれる子ども約1億3000万人
2の28乗 – 2億6843万5456 世界の食肉生産量2.7億トン(豚・鶏・牛 FAO 2013)
2の29乗 – 5億3687万0912 カンブリア紀 5億5千万年前-5億年前
2の30乗 – 10億7374万1824 Lenovo 10億7000万色表示できるテレビ
(数学科 園田)
“2 to the nth power”
We have the exhibition of 2 to the nth power.
We made them by using marbles, grains of rice and photos.
For example, 6500 grains of rice weigh around 150 grams.
We will introduce some.
2^20 – 1,048,576 the number of rows of Excel
2^21 – 2,097,152 the population of Nagano prefecture
2^22 – 4,194,304 the velocity of “US 708”, the Galaxy’s fastest-moving white dwarf star
2^23 – 8,388,608 the area of Brazil
2^24 – 16,777,216 the population of Netherlands
2^25 – 33,554,432 Mr Nishikori Kei’s annual income (Forbes 2016)
2^26 – 67,108,864 The Solar propulsion system for Space launch developed by NASA
2^27 – 134,217,728 the number of children born every year in the world
2^28 – 268,435,456 meat production in every year(pork・chicken・beef FAO 2013)
2^29 – 536,870,912 Cambrian period
2^30 – 1,073,741,824 the number of colour of TVs made by Lenovo Corporation
このポスターはドイツ・フランクフルトの近く、ギーセンにある数学博物館で購入しました。この数学博物館Mathematikum(マスマティクム)を訪問したことが本校で博物館を作ろうと思い立ったきっかけです。(数学科 園田)
“The posters of pi”
We have a poster which shows 10000 digit of pi in our math museum on 2nd floor. Maybe you can find your birthday and memorial days written in 4 digit number in this poster. And you can find 29th November (1129) that is the day our school Doshisha was founded, 3rd May (0503) that is constitution day of Japan.
We have another poster of pi. 50000 digit of pi is written on the wall of the hallway. I went to German math museum “Mathematikum” at Guisen and bought it. I visited there and had an idea to make math museum in our school.
見た目の形と距離の関係 ~2016自由研究作品1~
(主催者HP )
テーマは「見た目の形と距離の関係 ~地面のタイルまでの距離が遠くなると,タイルが平たく見えるのはなぜだろう??~」 です。
(数学科 園田)
“Relativity of the shape of appearance and distance”
This is the title of a student’s research during the last summer vacation part1.
We will introduce our student’s research work. Ikeda Haruna san (8th grade) got a prize in the competition by “Rimse” Research Institute of Mathematics and Science Education.
The title of research is“Relativity of the shape of appearance and distance – why is that the more the distance is until the tile on the ground, the more flat it seems become?”
When we see a square from a distance, it looks like a trapezoid. We need the theory of similarity, and Pythagorean theorem and a trigonometric ratio to understand this problem. She used many illustrations and photos, so we can understand her research content clearly.
Her research is exhibited on the second floor in our math space.
4つの4から四則演算で1つの数を作る遊びがあります。(英語では Four fours) 例えば、2を作るときは、4×4÷(4+4)=2 となります。 今回は、次の4つの数から10を作ることにチャレンジしてください。
(数学科 園田)
“Finding the simplest mathematical expression by using four numbers from 1-9 and only common mathematical symbols”
We will talk about math quiz of February “Masu masu hatten koza” exhibited on the wall in Do★Math. Do you know the math puzzle “Four fours”? For example, “Make 2 by using four fours”, the solution is “4×4÷(4+4)”. We asked our students,
(1)Make 10 by using 1, 9, 1, 9
(2)Make 10 by using 3, 4, 7, 8
The answers are the following.
Some students answered to us. To solve the these problems, use trial and error and find answer. Please think hard and use trial and error.
One student made a program code to solve this problem. He is Mr. Aoki Takashi san (9th grade). He also made the program code “PrimeFactorization” to do the factorization in prime numbers that I usually use.
We will introduce the screenshots of the results of his calculations and the code he made in this blog.