Do★Math 数学博物館 Mathematics Museum
「Do★Math 数学博物館」からのお知らせ
私たちは、算数・数学を手に触れたり、パズルやゲームでわかりやすく、そして楽しみながら理解できる「Do★Math 同志社中学校数学博物館」を2016年5月にオープンいたしました。展示物の多くを並べた数学科オープンスペース(「数学メディアスペース」)を中心に、数学教室ゾーンを総称して、Do★Mathです。
「アテナイの学堂」 - 数学者、科学者と哲学者の出会い -
まず、中央には、この絵の主役とも言える2人の哲学者、プラトン(左 モデルはレオナルド・ダ・ビンチとされています)とアリストテレス(右)が描かれています。プラトンの数人左に哲学者のソクラテスがいます。
その隣の、地球儀を持った後ろ向きの人物が天動説で有名な天文学者、数学者のプトレマイオス( 2世紀頃)です。「天動説」を英語で「Ptolemaic theory」と表すのは彼の名前から来ています。そして、彼の右に作者のラファエロがいます。(前を向き、肩と顔が見えている人です。)
(数学科 園田)
“School of Athens’ - An encounter with mathematicians, scientists and philosophers -”
“School of Athens” is a masterpiece of Raphael’s works. Raphael (1483-1520) was an artist in the renaissance period. “School of Athens” is located in the “Room of the Segnatura”, one of the four Raphael Rooms in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican. It measures 5 meters high by 7 meters wide and was drawn in fresco.
We will introduce some mathematicians, scientists and philosophers.
There are Plato (left) and Aristotle (right) in the center of the picture.
Socrates is a few people left of Plato.
Mathematician Euclid (3rd century BC) is the one who is explaining to his pupils with compass in the lower left of downstairs. He is well known for Euclid’s Elements.
Ptolemy (c. AD 100-c. 170), who is well known for Ptolemaic theory, is an Astronomer and Mathematician who has globe next to Euclid in the picture. And Raphael is right of Ptolemy.
Mathematician Pythagoras (c.570BC-c.495BC), who found the most famous theory, is the one who is researching the book on his knees in the lower left in the picture.
Finally, a woman on the upper right of Pythagoras is Egyptian mathematician and astronomer Hypatia (c.350 – 370-415). She has constructed astrolabes and hydrometers.
We talk about four mathematicians and three philosophers in this blog. Let’s find them when you see “School of Athens”. “School of Athens” is exhibited on the third floor in our math space.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)
(数学科 園田)
Galileo Galilei(1564-1642)was an Italian physicist and astronomer. He taught geometry, mathematics and astronomy. He found that the distance of objects falling was directly proportional to square of the falling time. He rolled two spheres that were different weights but the same shape, and demonstrated that their velocity was the same. His discovery of the law of falling led to the law of universal gravitation. He also observed the moon and 4 Jovian planets by a telescope of his own making in 1609. He argued the heliocentric systems in his book “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems”, but he lost the case.
“The name of math classroom 5 is ‘Galileo Galilei ’.”
We will introduce the panel of “Galileo Galilei” and a document to explain the panel this time.
It may feel strange that ‘Galileo’ is a first name, and ‘Galilei is a family name. For example, Michelangelo, Dante, and Napoleon are the same.
Copernican theory, which had been regarded as wrong and unorthodox, became common sense by contributions from Copernicus (1472-1543), Galileo (1564-1642) and Newton (1643-1727).
Galileo made a telescope and observed the moon and Jupiter. He discovered craters on the moon and 4 Jovian planets. Ptolemaic theory explained that the earth is the center of the universe, so the moon moves around the earth. So the discovery of the Jovian planets had a disadvantage for Ptolemaic theory.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)
おむすびころりん徹底検証!! ~2017自由研究作品1~
(主催者HP )
テーマは「おじいさんはおむすびに追いつけたのか!? おむすびころりん徹底検証!!」 です。
彼女は1年次に「コップの容積をパッ!と求めるには!?」というテーマで、2年次には「見た目の形と距離の関係 ~地面のタイルまでの距離が遠くなると,タイルが平たく見えるのはなぜだろう??~」というテーマで数学の自由研究にとりくみました。どれもたいへんわかりやすいレポートです。
(数学科 園田)
“Thorough Research of ’Omusubi Kororin’”
This is the title of a student’s research during the last summer vacation part1.
We will introduce our student’s research work. Ikeda Haruna san (9th grade) got a prize in the competition by “Rimse” Research Institute of Mathematics and Science Education for two years in a row.
The title of her research is “Thorough Research of ’Omusubi Kororin’ – did an old man catch up with an Omusubi?”
In an old Japanese story called ‘Omusubi kororin’, an old man dropped an omusubi that an old woman made for him and it was rolling down the slope of the mountain. He ran and tried to catch up with the omusubi, but he could not and it fell in a hole near the foot of a tree and the story continued. Ikeda san used the law of motion ‘x=v0t+at2(x : movement distance, v0 : initial velocity, t : time, a : accelration)’ and researched this story. She changed conditions of the degree of the slope, the shape and weight of the omusubi and the velocity of the old man running and tested it. And she verified the influence of those conditions. Her report used many illustrations and graphs, it was a very rewarding work.
She made projects, ‘How to get the cubic contents of glasses’ in the 7th grade and ‘Relativity of the shape of appearance and distance – why is that the more further away the tile on the ground is, the more flat it seems to become?’ in the 8th grade. Both research contents were very clear.
All of her research projects are exhibited on the second floor in our math space.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)
(数学科 園田)
Ino Tadataka (1745-1818) was a Japanese surveyor. He is known for completing the first map of Japan created using modern surveying techniques. He went to Edo (Tokyo) and became a pupil of astronomer Takahashi Koretoki, at the age of 50. He went to survey Ezo land(Hokkaido) in 1800. He travelled all the country except for a region in northwestern Hokkaido for 17 years. After 3 years later, his pupils completed“Dai Nihon Enkai Yoti Zenzu”. The original ware lost by fire in 1873, but all copies (214 pieces) were found in 2001 and later. As to the length of a degree of the meridian, he calculated it was 28.2-ri (110.75km), a quite accurate figure compared even with today’s measurements.
“The name of math classroom 4 is ‘Ino Tadataka’.”
We will introduce the panel of “Ino Tadataka” and a document to explain the panel this time.
Ino Tadataka surveyed all the country 10 times from when he was 55 to 71 years old, and he made “Dai Nihon Enkai Yoti Zenzu” with “Dai-zu” of 214 pieces, “Chu-zu” of 8 pieces and “Sho-zu” of 3 pieces. “Dai-zu” are maps drawn on a scale of 1 to 36000. Mamiya Rinzo who explored Karafuto (Sakhalin) and discovered the Mamiya Strait (the Tatar Strait) surveyed northwestern Hokkaido where Ino Tadataka could not survey.
There is an Ino Tadataka museum at Katori-city, Chiba-prefecture. There we can directly see the maps he made. I recommend that you go there.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)
(数学科 園田)
Albert Einstein(1879-1955)was a Jewish scientist, born in Germany. He proposed “the special theory of relativity”in 1905. He presented “general theory of relativity”and won the Nobel prize for physics in 1922. He visited to Japan and stayed for a month in the autumn of 1922. There are great results than the above. For example, quantum theory of light and a Brownian motion. In 1933, he immigrated to US to avoid persecution of Nazi and lived in Princeton. He requested to president to make atomic bomb. But his old days, he was against the war with many scientist.
“The name of math classroom 3 is ‘Einstein’.”
We introduced the name of the six math classrooms and the teacher’s “station” staff room from our before last blog.
We will introduce the panel of “Einstein” and a document to explain the panel this time.
We maybe have an experience where we see train across the tracks run at twice the speed of our train. We also feel our train started to move when a train across the tracks did. Speed is relative like this. But only speed of light is constant. Einstein had a doubt about this fact and promoted research, and finally he completed “Theory of relativity”. You may feel it is a curious thing. “Theory of relativity” explains that the way of time proceeds different in different situations. For example, time on a GPS satellite is faster than on the earth, so it is more than 10 kilometers off the exact position a day without time correction. So a clock on a GPS satellite is corrected to be late by 38 seconds of 1 million per day.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)