Do★Math 数学博物館 Mathematics Museum
「Do★Math 数学博物館」からのお知らせ
私たちは、算数・数学を手に触れたり、パズルやゲームでわかりやすく、そして楽しみながら理解できる「Do★Math 同志社中学校数学博物館」を2016年5月にオープンいたしました。展示物の多くを並べた数学科オープンスペース(「数学メディアスペース」)を中心に、数学教室ゾーンを総称して、Do★Mathです。
(数学科 園田)
Eratosthenes(c.276BC - c.195BC)was a Greece scholar, born in Libya. He lived main of his life in Alexandria. He was a friend with Archimedes and had been chief of Alexandria Library. He is best known for being the first person to calculate the circumference of the Earth. When the sun is rising right above us in Syene (Aswan) at Midsummer Day, but in Alexandria, the sun is tilted at a 7 degree angle. He calculated the Earth’s circumference, by measuring the distance of the two cities. He was also known that he founded “the sieve of Eratosthenes”, an efficient method of identifying prime numbers.
“The name of math classroom2 is ‘Eratostenes’.”
We introduced the name of the six math classrooms and the teacher’s “station” staff room from our last blog.
We will introduce the panel of “Eratostenes” and a document to explain the panel this time.
He calculated the circumference of the earth to be 46000 kilometers, by knowing the difference of latitude and the distance of the two cities, Cyene (Aswan) and Alexandria. The value is different from real one we know now within 15 percent.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)
以前、このブログでも紹介しましたが、本校は教科センター方式の学校運営を採用しており、教科専門教室があります。数学教室は全部で6教室あり、教科ステーションと呼ぶ教員室1部屋と合わせて 7室に数学者、科学者の名前をつけています。順に、数学1「ピタゴラス」、数学2「エラトステネス」、数学3「アインシュタイン」、数学4「伊能忠敬」、数学5「ガリレオ」、数学6「アルキメデス」、教科ステーションは「オイラー」です。今回は、数学1教室入口に掲示している「ピタゴラス」のパネルと説明文をご紹介します。
(数学科 園田)
Pythagoras (c.570BC - c.495BC) was an Ionian Greek philosopher and mathematician. He is best known for the Pythagorean theorem. It states that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. It means “a²+b²=c²” and it has numerous proofs more than 100. He had discovered an irrational number like square root 2, Pythagorean scale like (3,4,5),(5,12,13), and drawing method of a regular pentagon. He researched Pythagorean numbers, triangular numbers(1,3,6,10…), and quadrangular numbers(1,4,9,16…). Greece, San Marino, Suriname and Japan have published stamps of him.
“The name of math classroom 1 is ‘Pythagoras’.”
We introduced in this blog on July 19th, 2016 that we have six math classrooms in what we call “Subject Centered Style” in Japan.
We gave the names of famous mathematicians or scientists to the six classrooms and the teacher’s “station” staff room.
Math 1 is “Pythagoras”, math 2 is “Eratostenes”, math 3 is “Einstein”, math 4 is “Ino Tadataka”, math 5 is “Galileo”, math 6 is “Archimedes”, and “Euler” is for the staff room.
We will introduce the panel of “Pythagoras” and a document to explain the panel this time.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)
ルート1(√1)からルート75(√75)まで13種類のカードがありますから、普通のトランプで遊べるゲームは全てできます。ルート4(√4)= 2がありますから、「大富豪」だって楽しめるのです。
(数学科 園田)
“Square Root Cards”
We made “Square Root Cards” to help study math with 9th grade students in 2014. Students can study square root happily using this card game.
Many schools in all the prefectures in Japan use more than 2400 sets at present.We show some big cards on the second floor in Do★MATH. The 4 cards mean the same value as follows.
This card game consist of 13 kinds of cards, so we can play same the kinds of games as normal card games, such as Concentration, Old Maid, Sevens, Daifugo (Japanese card game) , and so on.
For elementary school students, you can also enjoy “Square Root Cards” with your family by knowing 2 rules, one is that we square the number when we put natural number into √ , the other is that we can multiply numbers in √ with each other.
Let’s enjoy it!
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)
ご存じの方も多いと思いますが、「マトリョーシカ人形」(ロシア語: Матрёшк、英語: Matryoshka doll)はロシアの民芸品です。
(数学科 園田)
“Matryoshka dolls are similar figures.”
Many Japanese people know that Matryoshka dolls are a folk craft made in Russia. The biggest doll includes 3 or 5 similar figures. When I measure the size, height and length of the circumference, of every doll, it is similar.
The name “Matryoshka”is named after a name of Russian lady, so the design of the scarf is popular with young ladies. Recently there are various designs, for example, leaders of Russia like Lenin and animals. We have a set of normal design’s, penguin’s and Maori people on the third floor in Do★MATH.
Please check it!
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)
(数学科 園田)
“Card sorter to guess the number”
Today, we will introduce about a game tool to guess the number using a binary system.
The game tool (figure1) consists of 15 panels with the numbers 1 to 15 written on them. There are 4 holes in each panel corresponding to “A” through ”D”. We can play the game by using this tool and 4 cards (figure2) that show different numbers each other.
First, the player chooses a number and the cards that show that number. For example, if the players chooses 10. the number is written on cards “B” and ”D”.
Then, we put a wooden pole into the holes in the panels and pull them up and put those panels in the front. Lastly, the panel that shows the number 10 will be in the front.
This game tool applies the binary number system used by computers. We introduced other game in our blog on September 7th, 2016. It has a same principle with this card sorter.
We exhibits it in Do★MATH.
Let’s try it together!
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)