Do★Math 数学博物館 Mathematics Museum
「Do★Math 数学博物館」からのお知らせ
私たちは、算数・数学を手に触れたり、パズルやゲームでわかりやすく、そして楽しみながら理解できる「Do★Math 同志社中学校数学博物館」を2016年5月にオープンいたしました。展示物の多くを並べた数学科オープンスペース(「数学メディアスペース」)を中心に、数学教室ゾーンを総称して、Do★Mathです。
ユーレカ・キューブ ~“Eureka Cube”
33+43+53 = 63 (= 216)
高木茂男「Play puzzle パズルの百科」(1981初版 平凡社 p70)に「ユーレカのキューブ」が紹介されています。イギリスにあるケンブリッジ大学数学協会が発行するジャーナル「Eureka」(ユーレカ)に紹介されたのが初めてと記されていました。ちなみに、ケンブリッジ大学(University of Cambridge)はニュートンやダーウィンも学んだ大学です。
(数学科 園田毅)
“Eureka Cube”
I recently learned about the Eureka Cube.
From the 8 pieces, we can create cubes with side lengths of 3, 4, and 5 blocks, and then reassemble them to create cubes with a side length of 6 blocks.
You can make a cube.
Expressed numerically, it looks like this.
33+43+53 = 63 (= 216)
Each block was made with a 2cm square wooden cube, then finished by coloring.
The “Eureka Cube” is introduced in Shigeo Takagi’s “Play Puzzle Encyclopedia” (1981 first edition Heibonsha p70-71).
A piece divided into 8 pieces is introduced. When I looked up an article written about the Eureka Cube, I found that it also introduced how to divide a rectangular parallelepiped into 9 pieces.
A cube with a side length of 3 blocksis just one piece. The 4 cube is easy tomake as there are only two pieces.
I think a cube with sides of 5 blocks or6 blocks is quite difficult.
Please come to the museum and giveit a try.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)
今回のメイン体験は、宇宙空間での応用が進められているミウラ折りです。折りたたみ地図を作って、ミウラ折りの便利な性質を体験しました。普通に紙を折ると折り目が長方形になりますが、「ミウラ折り」は折り目が平行四辺形を作るように折ります。この発明で、宇宙飛行士が船外活動することなく太陽光パネル等の組み立て作業をできるようになっています。(宇宙実験・観測フリーフライヤ SFU等)
(数学科 園田)
“Sierpinski tetrahedron by milk cartons”
1Lの牛乳パックを約半分(高さ約12 cm)に切ったパーツ1つで一辺14 cmの正四面体1つ、パーツ2つで正八面体を1つ作りました。(写真2&3) これらの体積をピタゴラスの定理を使って計算すると、意外な結果が出るところもおもしろいです。興味のある方はぜひ体積を計算してみてください。その後、1人が1つ作った正四面体を合体させて、学年で1つのシェルピンスキー四面体を製作していきました。(写真1)

これが256個、16段に重なって、180 cmを超える(11.4×16=182.4 cm)シェルピンスキー四面体ができあがりました。春休み中、数学1教室「ピタゴラス」で展示しました。
( 数学科 園田毅)
“Sierpinski tetrahedron by milk cartons”
Our 9th grade students made regular tetrahedron and octahedron with milk cartons, and calculated their volume using Pythagorean’s theory.
Our students made a regular tetrahedron, 14 cm on a side with a piece that is a part cut about half of a milk carton, and a regular octahedron the same length on a side in 2 pieces. (Figure2&3) It is interesting that will be a wonderful result when you calculate these volumes of 2 solids. Let’s try to calculate if you are interested in these things. Then we made a big Sierpinsky tetrahedron gathering regular tetrahedron, where 1 student made 1 regular tetrahedron. (Figure1)

We made a big Sierpinski tetrahedron with 256 pieces, 16 tiers and more than 180 cm. We exhibited it in math classroom 1 “Pythagoras” during spring vacation.
There are 3 masses of Sierpinski tetrahedron with 64 regular tetrahedron in figure 4 & 5.
If we define Sierpinski tetrahedron with 4 regular tetrahedron as 1 unit, the volume of 4 pieces of milk cartons and the space of 1 unit of Sierupinski tetrahedron are same. But when Sierpinski tetrahedron become 4 units (16 pieces, 4 tiers), 16 units (64 pieces, 8 tiers), 64 units (256 pieces, 16 tiers), the volume of the milk cartons gets smaller by a 1/4, 1/8, 1/16.
This is why that Sierpinski tetrahedron is a mysterious solid. We would be happy if you got interested in it.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)
~“The binary clock”~
( 数学科 園田毅)
“The binary clock”
We will introduce the binary clock. We bought it on the internet.
It looks like a European building, but it is a cool and unique clock. There is a space in the clock, with only an IC chip and LED lamps in it.
The way to show the time is strange. The vertical lines of windows indicate, from the left to right, ten’s place and one’s place of “hours” and ten’s place and one’s place of “minutes”. On the other hand, the horizontal lines of windows indicate that the first floor means “1”, the second floor means “2”, the third floor means “4” and the forth floor means “8”. The clock in figure 2 indicates 19 hours 29 minutes and figure 3 indicates 4 hours 17 minutes. The line where no lights are on means 0. This clock uses the way like a binary system exactly. Maybe elementary school students can read the time of this clock. Let’s try looking at the figures. Please make sure we can show the numbers from 0 to 9 using or not using “1”, “2”, “4” and “8”.
We exhibit this clock in our math museum, so please enjoy it! The “clock hands” of the light will move if you look at the clock for more than one minute.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)
~ “Fibonacci numbers board” ~
今日2月11日を3ケタの数で表すと、211は素数です。西暦を含めた20200211は、 19×29×61×60131と素因数分解できるので素数ではありません。
1、1、2、3、5、8、13、21、34、55 ・・・
さらに、フィボナッチ数にはおもしろい性質があります。1つの数をその手前の数で割ると、 だんだん「黄金比=1.618 ・・・ 」と表される数に近づいていくのです。最初は1/1=1からスタートしますが、3/2=1.5、 5/3=1.666 ・・・ 、 8/5=1.6、 13/8=1.625と進み、あっという間に1.618 ・・・ に近くなっていきます。
(数学科 園田毅)

下のグラフは、1つのフィボナッチ数をその手前の数で割ると、だんだん「黄金比=1.618 ・・・ 」と表される数に近づいていく様子をGeoGebraで描いたものです。y座標がだんだん1.618 ・・・ に近づいていきます。

2010 さえら書房
「フィボナッチ アラビア数学から西洋中世数学へ」
2016 現代数学社
“Fibonacci numbers board”
We put the board with “Fibonacci numbers” written on it on the bookshelf on the third floor in our math area.
Fibonacci numbers (sequence) are below.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 ・・・
The previous 2 numbers make the present number. For example,
1+1 = 2、5+8 = 13、21+34 = 55 etc.
Fibonacci introduced these numbers as the problem with rabbits in his book ‘Liber Abaci’ (1202). The contents are as follows.
Way of increasing rabbit pairs
(1) A pair of rabbit become an adult 1 month after their birth and have a pair of babies.
(2) Rabbits never die.
First, there is 1 pair of baby rabbits. They become 1 adult pair 1 month after birth, become 2 pairs including 1 adult pair and 1 baby pair 2 months after, become 3 pairs including 2 adult pairs and 1 baby pair 3 months after, and become 5 pairs including 3 adult pairs and 2 baby pairs 4 months after.
Also, Fibonacci numbers are famous for its presence in nature. The numbers of spiral in a sunflower, a pine corn and a pineapple, and the numbers of many kinds of flower petals are Fibonacci numbers.
Besides, there are interesting characteristics in Fibonacci numbers. The answer of the value what a Fibonacci number divided by the second number
gets close to the golden ratio. 3/2 = 1.5, 5/3 = 1.666 ・・・ ,
8/5 = 1.6, 13/8 = 1.625, it is getting close to 1.618・・・ in this way.
We introduced the fascination of Fibonacci numbers. Let’s research them if you take an interest in them.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)