Do★Math 数学博物館 Mathematics Museum
「Do★Math 数学博物館」からのお知らせ
私たちは、算数・数学を手に触れたり、パズルやゲームでわかりやすく、そして楽しみながら理解できる「Do★Math 同志社中学校数学博物館」を2016年5月にオープンいたしました。展示物の多くを並べた数学科オープンスペース(「数学メディアスペース」)を中心に、数学教室ゾーンを総称して、Do★Mathです。
今日2月23日を223と3ケタの数で表すと、223は素数です。なんと西暦を含めた20170223も素数です。しかし、2月は素数で表せる日の少ない月です。2/11、 2/23 、2/27、 2/29、うるう年でも4日しかありません。
もう1種類(アメリカ製)はいろいろな表記で1から12が刻まれています。1時は「102413-10241」、2時は「」、3時は「」というふうに表示されています。(数学科 園田)
“The curious clocks”
There are strange clocks on the wall at the entrance of Do MATH.
One clock (made in Japan) in the east on the second floor has numbers written in mirror writing. We placed a mirror at the opposite side of the hallway, so we can see the real characters in the clock through the mirror.
The other is made in USA. The numbers are described in various ways. For example, 1 is “102413-102412”, 2 is “”, 3 is “”.
この操作は、x³+3x²y+3xy²+y³ … (1) という式(「展開」された状態)が、(x+y)³ … (2) という式(「因数分解」された状態)同じであることを意味しています。(1)の式とパーツの関係を見ていきましょう。(1)の式のx³は1辺の長さがxの立方体の体積、3x²yが各辺x、x、yの直方体3個分の体積、3xy²が各辺x、y、yの直方体3個分の体積、y³が1辺yの立方体の体積を表しているのです。
ぜひ体験しにいらっしゃってください。(数学科 園田)
“The cube puzzle”
We play this cube puzzle by gathering 8 parts composed of 4 kinds of blocks. This activity means that x³+3x²y+3xy²+y³…(1) is the same value as (x+y)³…(2). We can see that “x³” is the volume of a cube with sides x, “3x²y” is the volume of 3 rectangular solids with each side x, x and y, “3xy²” is the volume of 3 rectangular solids with each sides of x and y and y, “y³” is the volume of a cube with sides y.
So you can see that expression (1) means expansion and expression (2) means factorization by making a big cube with side (x+y).
We have another puzzle that explains expression and factorization in Do★MATH.
Let’s try it together!
縦軸は距離(駅名)、横軸は時間です。普通、快速、新快速、特急の4種別の列車を、それぞれ黒、青、赤、緑と区別しています。始発から終電までの全旅客列車のスケジュールが入っていて、駅での停車時間もわかります。昔は、ダイヤグラム専門の職人(「スジ屋」と呼ばれているそうです。映画「交渉人 真下正義」では「線引き屋」という名前で登場していました。)が鉛筆とものさしを使い、知識と経験を駆使して書いていました。中嶋くんも「スジひき」と表現しています。今、ダイヤグラムはコンピュータを使って作成されています。
This graph is a “Diagram”, which shows the time table of the JR Hokuriku line and Biwako line (Tokaido line) from Tsuruga station to Kyoto station, made by Nakajima Kikuyuki san. He is in the 9th grade in 2016.
The vertical axis shows the distance between stations. And the horizontal axis shows the time. Local trains are indicated by black lines, rapid trains are blue, special rapid trains are red and limited expresses are green. It shows all the passenger trains for a day. You can also see how long trains will stop at the station.
In the past, there were professional craftsmen, who wrote it using pencils and straight edges. He also wrote it by pen. But now it is written by computers.
If you have studied “Linear function”, you will be able to enjoy this diagram much more.
“Measure of square root”
There is a “root square measure” on the wall of the Media Space 1 on the 2nd floor.
The scales of the square root of 1 meter to the square root of 25 meters are indicated on the paper that is 5 meters long.
9th grade students made one of them in each class during the 1st term.
Students made this measure and could understand the quantum of square root.
“Music of pi”
This is a musical score on the wall at Do★MATH.
3 is assigned to E, 1 is assigned to C, 4 is assigned to F, 1 is assigned to C, 5 is assigned to G, 9 is assigned to D and 2 is assigned to D.
There are 113 digits in this musical score. There is triplet part in the melody.
Hasegawa – san made this melody by using a guitar. He is a math teacher at Ritsumeikan Moriyama Junior High School in Shiga prefecture.
You can hear it on the internet. Also, we can see other melodies about pi in the world!
It is amazing that there are many people who like mathematics very much!