理科教諭なべやんの「学内探訪」 Nabeyan's Column
ある時、何気なく校内を歩いていると、自然物や構造物の方から次から次にメッセ-ジが伝わってきました。今回そのメッセ-ジに促されて、「学内探訪」(適宜「学外探訪」も)と題する連載を記してみます。雑駁な文章で不足を感じる点は多々ありますが、ご一読いただきご批判、ご鞭撻いただければ幸いです。尚、英文Summaryは本校英語科のDavid Foremanが担当しています。
第107回 学内花模様
The Colors from Spring to Summer
As spring turns into summer, we can see many types of flowers blooming around the school. Because plants need their flowers to stand out more than any other parts, the flowers do their best to make an appeal with their colors, shapes, and positions. Unfortunately, they are not appealing to us humans, they are appealing to the insects, birds and animals that carry their pollen. The ways the colors of the petals absorb and reflect the ultraviolet light are so that the insects and so on see the flowers in different ways to humans. Some flowers also have a “guide mark” to show where the nectar is. With their appearances and scents, the plants invite all sorts of animals.
The Dandelion waits for a strong wind to help its fluffy flowers with seeds on them fly away as far as possible. They don’t fly with a weak wind.
Within the school, you can see a variety of flowers in the pots and planters that flower in different seasons, making the school full of colors. As the flowers watch over you during your adolescence, please choose the color that is only yours for your future.
《Words》昆虫 insect、花粉 pollen、紫外線 ultraviolet light、できるだけ~ as~as possible、青春期 adolescence
第106回 孔雀なのか、いや火の鳥なのか!?
~2022年度 生徒手帳表紙デザインコンテスト~
Student Diary Design Contest
Again, many students submitted unique designs for the contest this year.
Because I could see that each of the designs had its own message, and could feel a connection with the designs, it was really hard to “judge” them and make a decision on the prizes.
This year’s top prize was full of youthful and overwhelming energy. Especially, looking at the eyes of the bird, I couldn’t help but feel the message that came from the diverse and abundant feathers, and from those eyes. If you look closely, you get a glimpse of playfulness in the design. You can see a heart shape and the symbol of Doshisha in the waves.
Among the other designs, there was a scene from The World of Heidi, a manga style expression of a day in the life at junior high school, and a sailing ship crossing an ocean. I take my hat off to the imagination in all of the designs.
I hope that everyone can use their diary to record events, ideas, and memories, using their diary in their own way.
《Words》脱帽 take my hat off to
第105回 時は自らが刻む
The Passing of Time
Our school doesn’t have any school bells or chimes. We call this a “No Chime” system. People often ask us “How can the students know when classes start without any chimes?” The answer is that everyone’s movement tells us what time it is. One time, a teacher almost forgot about having a class, but when the students moving to the classrooms, the teacher was reminded about it. Like in a university or in society, there are no chimes. By taking in timely information from their surroundings, people can make decisions about their actions.
Modern society has developed in a way that accuracy is being asked for more and more. In nature though, there is more “flexibility”, and creatures pass the time according to that. Birds that migrate and plants that flower are examples of this. If we also didn’t let the passing of time control us we could live a more relaxed life.
Someone once said “By always following time, you follow rules that are not meant for you. It’s like time leaves you behind. So it’s better to live by immersing yourself in something, and time will catch up with you. The way that you pass your time can change your live.”
In Doshisha we encourage independence and freedom. We shouldn’t let time rule us, but spend our days at school taking charge of how we spend that time.
《Words》ノ-チャイム制 “No Chime” system、正確・厳密 accuracy、移動する migrate
第104回 足跡が残らない世界で
A World Without Footprints
I wonder if everybody steps on some “dirt” on their way to school. Living in the city, I think that more than 90% of people can’t help but live without stepping on dirt. But this planet that we live on is made from rocks and dirt. From the past, stepping on dirt, and leaving footprints, has been taken for granted.
One day, I searched for footprints around the school. I was able to find a footprint (shoeprint) in the dirt near the Souenkan building. I also found one on the asphalt nearby. They might have been the footprints of somebody who had played at lunchtime. If you find a footprint, it can be interesting to imagine where it came from.
In our 3rd year science classes, we study about types of footprints. Some of the students’ projects can be found in the Media Space. As we developed into upright bipedal walkers, our feet took on features that are not found in other creatures. The analysis of these features could be called a “science of form”.
What animal’s footprints do you think are in the diagram on the right? The pictures next to it are what some of our students thought. Please think about it.
What do you think will remain in this “world without footprints”? What do you want to leave behind?
《Words》足跡 footprints、土、土地 dirt、直立二足歩行 upright bipedal walkers
第103回 植物に寄り添う
渡邊株式会社 ランドスケ-プワタナベ
代表取締役 渡邊良宣
Feeling Closer Through the Garden
In the middle of April, we were able to see a new landscaped garden on the eastern side of the Risshikan Building.
There are 14 different plants and flowers within a uniquely shaped granite style planter. In the center of the garden is a symbolic pot and a beautiful gate, both of which represent the special structure of the garden.
Most of all, the garden seems to form a work of art painted on a canvas that is the brick wall of the Risshikan Building. Because of this, the area feels like a special artistic space. We hope that everyone can enjoy the different plants in this garden and its surroundings for a long time. This garden was a gift from our graduate students in 2021.
We received a message from Mr. Watanabe, the designer of the garden.
“People cut down forests, but we need to feel closer to living things if we want to live. In these times, I think we should listen to the messages from our Earth and put a brake on our extreme actions and our rapid growth. I designed this with the hope that people will see and feel compassion for living things.”
《Words》 ~を表現する、~を象徴する represent、レンガ壁 brick wall、卒業生 graduate students、過激な行動 extreme actions、急速な発展 rapid growth