

(○+1)枚を移動する最短回数 = ○枚を移動する場合の最短回数 × 2 + 1(回)
○枚を移動する場合の最短回数 = 2○-1(回)
(数学科 園田)
“Tower of Hanoi”
Do you know “Tower of Hanoi”? This game is popular all over the world. We will introduce the connection between this game and mathematics. Of course we have this in our math space.
The goal of the game is to move all the disks on one entire stack to another rod, with the rules below.

(1)Only one disk can be moved at a time.
(2)Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and placing it on top of another stack.
(3)No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk.

This is the best way to solve the game. Let’s start the game using only 3 disks. The game can be solved in 7 moves with 3 disks. Then please try increasing one by one.
the minimum number of times to move (○+1)
= the minimum number of times to move ○ × 2 + 1
(2)We can express the minimum number of times to move ○ using ○.
the minimum number of times to move (○+1) =2○ – 1
“Tower of Hanoi” is the game which French mathematician Lucas (1842-1891) made and sold in 1883. It was also introduced in Japan at the beginning of the 20th century and became popular. The rules of this game are easy, so anyone can play it. We enjoyed it using origami instead of disks as in the photo at an extra program “Do-chu Manabi Project” that we did after school.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)