まず、中央には、この絵の主役とも言える2人の哲学者、プラトン(左 モデルはレオナルド・ダ・ビンチとされています)とアリストテレス(右)が描かれています。プラトンの数人左に哲学者のソクラテスがいます。
その隣の、地球儀を持った後ろ向きの人物が天動説で有名な天文学者、数学者のプトレマイオス( 2世紀頃)です。「天動説」を英語で「Ptolemaic theory」と表すのは彼の名前から来ています。そして、彼の右に作者のラファエロがいます。(前を向き、肩と顔が見えている人です。)
(数学科 園田)
“School of Athens’ - An encounter with mathematicians, scientists and philosophers -”
“School of Athens” is a masterpiece of Raphael’s works. Raphael (1483-1520) was an artist in the renaissance period. “School of Athens” is located in the “Room of the Segnatura”, one of the four Raphael Rooms in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican. It measures 5 meters high by 7 meters wide and was drawn in fresco.
We will introduce some mathematicians, scientists and philosophers.
There are Plato (left) and Aristotle (right) in the center of the picture.
Socrates is a few people left of Plato.
Mathematician Euclid (3rd century BC) is the one who is explaining to his pupils with compass in the lower left of downstairs. He is well known for Euclid’s Elements.
Ptolemy (c. AD 100-c. 170), who is well known for Ptolemaic theory, is an Astronomer and Mathematician who has globe next to Euclid in the picture. And Raphael is right of Ptolemy.
Mathematician Pythagoras (c.570BC-c.495BC), who found the most famous theory, is the one who is researching the book on his knees in the lower left in the picture.
Finally, a woman on the upper right of Pythagoras is Egyptian mathematician and astronomer Hypatia (c.350 – 370-415). She has constructed astrolabes and hydrometers.
We talk about four mathematicians and three philosophers in this blog. Let’s find them when you see “School of Athens”. “School of Athens” is exhibited on the third floor in our math space.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)
出典 http://www.kabegamilink.com/act/0706/03530.html