(主催者HP http://www.rimse.or.jp/research/past/winner4th.html )
テーマは「見た目の形と距離の関係 ~地面のタイルまでの距離が遠くなると,タイルが平たく見えるのはなぜだろう??~」 です。
(数学科 園田)
“Relativity of the shape of appearance and distance”
This is the title of a student’s research during the last summer vacation part1.
We will introduce our student’s research work. Ikeda Haruna san (8th grade) got a prize in the competition by “Rimse” Research Institute of Mathematics and Science Education.
The title of research is“Relativity of the shape of appearance and distance – why is that the more the distance is until the tile on the ground, the more flat it seems become?”
When we see a square from a distance, it looks like a trapezoid. We need the theory of similarity, and Pythagorean theorem and a trigonometric ratio to understand this problem. She used many illustrations and photos, so we can understand her research content clearly.
Her research is exhibited on the second floor in our math space.