理科教諭なべやんの「学内探訪」 Nabeyan's Column
ある時、何気なく校内を歩いていると、自然物や構造物の方から次から次にメッセ-ジが伝わってきました。今回そのメッセ-ジに促されて、「学内探訪」(適宜「学外探訪」も)と題する連載を記してみます。雑駁な文章で不足を感じる点は多々ありますが、ご一読いただきご批判、ご鞭撻いただければ幸いです。尚、英文Summaryは本校英語科のDavid Foremanが担当しています。
第102回 季節の色を求めて
The Color of the Season
At the end of March the weather was very changeable. It was hot and then cold, so it was the common cycle of “3 cold days followed by 4 warm ones”. In this season, we can often see the color “yellow” in the nature around the school. This is the color of the Amur Adonis (Fork-Stem Adonis) that is found in the hills. It is interesting that yellow is a color that stands out at the start of spring, and lets us know the seasons are changing.
We can also see that yellow stands out in the flowers and parts of the White Plums, the Rape Blossoms, the Golden Bells, the Cornus, the Dandelions, and the Japanese Buttercups.
As for birds, around the Iwakura River and Takaragaike we can see yellow in Siskins and Grey wagtails, as well as the Common Grass Yellow butterflies on warm spring days.
If you look for a certain color in the nature around you, you will probably be able to see things in a different way. Please try it on a sunny day.
《Words》 福寿草 Amur Adonis、三寒四温 (a cycle of) three cold days followed by four warm ones、天気のいい日 a sunny day
第101回 寅年の鳥
Birds in the Year of the Tiger
This is the Year of the Tiger (or “Tora” in Japanese). Actually, since last year, I have been interested in the topic of a “Tora”. Not the mammal “Tora” (Tiger), but a bird “Tora-tuugumi” or “Scaly Thrush”.
In the first photo, you can see a Scaly Thrush that I recently saw searching for food at Takaragaike. It seems to blend in well with the surroundings.
At the end of last year, one of the staff from the guard box at the entrance to the school contacted me about a bird that had been found in a weak condition outside the subway station. I went to check on it, and found that it was a Scaly Thrush. It seemed that it had crashed into a glass panel and was concussed, so I decided to keep it in a dark room at school to recover. The next day, the bird was healthy again, and it soon flew from the window towards Takaragaike.
I’m not sure if the Scaly Thrush I saw at Takaragaike is the same as the one that I helped at the end of last year, but I hope that it is doing ok now. By the way, this bird has a very unique way of singing that is like a Japanese mythical creature called a “Nue”, so has been mistaken for it in the past. In an ancient tale, the Nue is said to have a monkey’s head, a tanuki’s body, a monkey’s legs, and a snake’s tail. In the tale, a famous archer Minamoto No Yorimasa drove the Nue away.
If you hear a bird singing “Hyuu Fyuu” in the dark forest, it would be a Scaly Thrush.
《Words》 トラツグミ Scaly Thrush、ガラス壁 glass panel、暗い森で in the dark forest
第100回 1700年前の暮らしを想う…。
Thinking About Living 1,700 Years Ago
In 2022, our lives are so busy that we rarely get time to think about how people lived 1,700 years ago. But when we are able to see the historical “evidence”, we are able to imagine their lifestyles.
Nowadays, with our eating habits, the way we see our everyday lives or sense the seasons, and the way we value things make it difficult to imagine without having a flexible way of thinking how the original inhabitants of Iwakura lived. Don’t you wish you could live the “slow life” that they did with nature at the time?
In the first photo, you can see the remains of a pit dwelling that was excavated between the north west side of the Risshikan building and the elementary school. It is thought to be a dwelling from the Kofun period in the 3rd century. The people who lived here would have looked at Mt. Hiei to the east. I wonder how they viewed the mountain.
The remains of a dwelling in the second set of photos were found where the cafeteria is now. They were pit dwellings from the 4th century. There were even some earthenware found lined up, but we can only wonder why they were lined up in such a way.
Next, let’s look at the southern part of the area. At the time, the Iwakura River often flooded after heavy rain. Where the South Ground is now, there was a large area of wetlands. It is thought that a lot of different birds made their homes in these wetlands.
Can you now imagine what life was like in Iwakura in the 3rd century?
《Words》 証拠 evidence、竪穴式住居 Pit dwelling、湿地帯 wetlands
第99回 <学外探訪13>日本刀を研ぐ石
学校から徒歩5分の宝ヶ池の山には、約2億年前の深海底で起こった自然の営みが見事に刻まれています。大繁殖したプランクトンの放散虫が堆積した「層状チャ-ト」とは別に、ある時期にはとても細かな粒子が堆積した時期がありました。この粒子は当時の大陸から風によって舞い上げられたものが、大洋の深海底で堆積したと考えられています。この地層が宝ヶ池の山中にも露出しています。地質学的には「珪質頁岩(砥石型珪質頁岩)」と呼ばれ、よく層状チャ-トに伴って産出します。京都では有名な「鳴滝砥石」や亀岡で現在も採掘されている砥石層と同質の岩石です。古生代二畳紀末~中生代三畳紀にかけての特徴的な地層です。この時期に地球上では一体何が起こったのでしょうか。この地層には「海洋無酸素事変」の産物と言われている炭素濃集層(Black band)が含まれることもあり、海洋の95%の生物がこの時期に絶滅したとも推測されています。
If you walk about 5 minutes from our school to the hills of Takaragaike, you can see what happened about 200 million years ago when nature was at work. As well as the layered chert that formed from the sedimentation of radiolarian, some very fine particles formed some sedimentation at some point in time. Those particles were blown by the wind from the land, and formed sedimentation on the bottom of the ocean. That strata became exposed in the hills of Takaragaike.
In geological terms, this is known as “Siliceous Shale”, and it often produced with layered chert. It is a rock that is the same as the famous Narutaki Grindstone in Kyoto, and the Grindstone that is currently being mined in Kameoka. This is a characteristic of the strata formed between the Permian period and the Triassic period. We wonder what happened on the earth around this time? This strata contains a carbon concentrated layer or “Black Band” which is a product of an anoxic event in the ocean, and it is presumed that 95% of the organisms in the oceans became extinct during this period.
As you can see in the photos, Conodont fossils are often found in the Grindstone (or Sharpening stone), and these animals became extinct in the Triassic period. This Conodont changed its form over the years and became an important index fossil.
《Words》 珪質頁岩 siliceous shale、砥石 Sharpening stone、コノドント Conodont
第98回 冬の自然物が語りかける
・白い雪 古代にも積もった 深泥池
・白き雪 雲のようにふわふわと 我も友も 沈み積もりゆく
・雪被り 温かく感じる 伊吹山
The amount of messages that we can get from the nature around ourselves is unlimited, but there doesn’t seem to be so many things that we can feel with our entire bodies in modern society.
In the first semester, we asked the students to write short poems about the scenery around the school. This time, we asked them to look at things from an objective point of view, rather than from their own, and write something.
The students were able to write with a fresh sense, which really warmed my heart. I have attached some of the students words with these photos.