「in 北海道 日本の開国に迫る!!」
「なんと¥30,000-!! 貴族のリアルに迫る!
「世界に一つの道具を作ろう! 縄文時代の北海道へ行こう!」
What woud you do, If a time machine were developed? As a travel agency that transcends spacial and temporal, we would take you on a journey through history.
Flyers that transcend spacial and temporal created by the students are posted on the wall of the hallway. Looking these flyers, I absolutely blieve that all students were creating with their humor, playful and intersting. Although I have not seen the actual class, it is not difficult to imagine that the students were working in a very friendly atmosphere. Yagi sensei always prepare the exciting challenges after learning about history. (Numata)