今日2月11日を3ケタの数で表すと、211は素数です。西暦を含めた20200211は、 19×29×61×60131と素因数分解できるので素数ではありません。
1、1、2、3、5、8、13、21、34、55 ・・・
さらに、フィボナッチ数にはおもしろい性質があります。1つの数をその手前の数で割ると、 だんだん「黄金比=1.618 ・・・ 」と表される数に近づいていくのです。最初は1/1=1からスタートしますが、3/2=1.5、 5/3=1.666 ・・・ 、 8/5=1.6、 13/8=1.625と進み、あっという間に1.618 ・・・ に近くなっていきます。
(数学科 園田毅)

下のグラフは、1つのフィボナッチ数をその手前の数で割ると、だんだん「黄金比=1.618 ・・・ 」と表される数に近づいていく様子をGeoGebraで描いたものです。y座標がだんだん1.618 ・・・ に近づいていきます。
参考URL: https://sites.google.com/site/geogebrajp/

2010 さえら書房
「フィボナッチ アラビア数学から西洋中世数学へ」
2016 現代数学社
“Fibonacci numbers board”
We put the board with “Fibonacci numbers” written on it on the bookshelf on the third floor in our math area.
Fibonacci numbers (sequence) are below.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 ・・・
The previous 2 numbers make the present number. For example,
1+1 = 2、5+8 = 13、21+34 = 55 etc.
Fibonacci introduced these numbers as the problem with rabbits in his book ‘Liber Abaci’ (1202). The contents are as follows.
Way of increasing rabbit pairs
(1) A pair of rabbit become an adult 1 month after their birth and have a pair of babies.
(2) Rabbits never die.
First, there is 1 pair of baby rabbits. They become 1 adult pair 1 month after birth, become 2 pairs including 1 adult pair and 1 baby pair 2 months after, become 3 pairs including 2 adult pairs and 1 baby pair 3 months after, and become 5 pairs including 3 adult pairs and 2 baby pairs 4 months after.
Also, Fibonacci numbers are famous for its presence in nature. The numbers of spiral in a sunflower, a pine corn and a pineapple, and the numbers of many kinds of flower petals are Fibonacci numbers.
Besides, there are interesting characteristics in Fibonacci numbers. The answer of the value what a Fibonacci number divided by the second number
gets close to the golden ratio. 3/2 = 1.5, 5/3 = 1.666 ・・・ ,
8/5 = 1.6, 13/8 = 1.625, it is getting close to 1.618・・・ in this way.
We introduced the fascination of Fibonacci numbers. Let’s research them if you take an interest in them.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)