今回は、ppバンドで手にのる大きさのサッカーボール(「角切り二十面体」 写真1)を作ってみましょう。もちろんボールとして遊べます。以下に作り方を紹介しますね。ppバンドはホームセンターや通販サイトで購入できます。

(数学科 園田毅)

“Let’s make a soccer ball using PP bands!”
Let’s make a soccer ball (“Truncated icosahedron” figure 1) using PP bands!
Of course we can play using it as a ball. I will introduce the way of making it. We can get PP bands at a do-it-yourself store.
(1) Cut 6 pieces of PP bands (width 15mm) each 27.5cm. (1.5cm of the 27.5cm is to overlap each other for stapling.)
(2) Combine 5 pieces of PP bands which make a pentagon. Combine Parts where 3 PP bands intersect each other alternately.
(3) Keep the vertex of a pentagon by clips. (figure 2) If this soccer ball was the earth, it is like making the southern hemisphere. The part of pentagon is the “South Pole”.
(4) Put the remaining PP bands (white) in and outside the other PP bands alternately and staple it. (figure 3) This is like making an “equator”.
(5) Put 5 PP bands alternately above “equator”. After each PP band has circled the ball, staple it.
(6) It is completed when all PP bands are stapled.
If you put the stapled parts inside the other bands, the ball looks beautiful.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)