前回のブログでは、サイクロイドという曲線が急に出てきて、見たことのない式や記号(θ シータ)が入っていて難しく感じられたと思います。今回は、皆さんにサイクロイド曲線をわかりやすくご説明します。
今回は、GeoGebra というグラフソフトで描きました。このグラフでは、動く点(動点 どうてん)は原点からスタートしています。動画で、円が動くとともにサイクロイド曲線ができていく様子を見てください。サイクロイドすべり台は、このグラフの上下をひっくり返したラインの形になっています。
(数学科 園田)
“Cycloid slide 2”
You may feel that it was difficult to read the last blog and to see the unknown mathematical symbols in the expression of cycloid.
We want to explain how to understand cycloid curve in this blog.
A cycloid is the curve traced by a point on the rim of a circular wheel as the wheel rolls along a straight line generally.
It is easy to understand if you imagine that a mark on a wheel of a bicycle rolls on a road.
We wrote a cycloid using an application called GeoGebra. The moving point of this graph starts from origin. Please check this movie. It will be the graph of cycloid with a circle moving. This cycloid slide is a opposite shape of this graph. In 2015, a 9th grade student Nasu hayato san wrote a book “The Entrance of the Function” in his research work and he introduced a cycloid graph.
In our 7th grade student’s class, they write cycloid graphs using a pencil along one point of a 10-yen coin rolling on the scale. We can see beautiful lines with the point moving according to the rules like a circle.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)