(主催者HP http://www.rimse.or.jp/research/past/winner5th.html )
テーマは「おじいさんはおむすびに追いつけたのか!? おむすびころりん徹底検証!!」 です。
彼女は1年次に「コップの容積をパッ!と求めるには!?」というテーマで、2年次には「見た目の形と距離の関係 ~地面のタイルまでの距離が遠くなると,タイルが平たく見えるのはなぜだろう??~」というテーマで数学の自由研究にとりくみました。どれもたいへんわかりやすいレポートです。
(数学科 園田)
“Thorough Research of ’Omusubi Kororin’”
This is the title of a student’s research during the last summer vacation part1.
We will introduce our student’s research work. Ikeda Haruna san (9th grade) got a prize in the competition by “Rimse” Research Institute of Mathematics and Science Education for two years in a row.
The title of her research is “Thorough Research of ’Omusubi Kororin’ – did an old man catch up with an Omusubi?”
In an old Japanese story called ‘Omusubi kororin’, an old man dropped an omusubi that an old woman made for him and it was rolling down the slope of the mountain. He ran and tried to catch up with the omusubi, but he could not and it fell in a hole near the foot of a tree and the story continued. Ikeda san used the law of motion ‘x=v0t+at2(x : movement distance, v0 : initial velocity, t : time, a : accelration)’ and researched this story. She changed conditions of the degree of the slope, the shape and weight of the omusubi and the velocity of the old man running and tested it. And she verified the influence of those conditions. Her report used many illustrations and graphs, it was a very rewarding work.
She made projects, ‘How to get the cubic contents of glasses’ in the 7th grade and ‘Relativity of the shape of appearance and distance – why is that the more further away the tile on the ground is, the more flat it seems to become?’ in the 8th grade. Both research contents were very clear.
All of her research projects are exhibited on the second floor in our math space.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)