(数学科 園田)
Eratosthenes(c.276BC - c.195BC)was a Greece scholar, born in Libya. He lived main of his life in Alexandria. He was a friend with Archimedes and had been chief of Alexandria Library. He is best known for being the first person to calculate the circumference of the Earth. When the sun is rising right above us in Syene (Aswan) at Midsummer Day, but in Alexandria, the sun is tilted at a 7 degree angle. He calculated the Earth’s circumference, by measuring the distance of the two cities. He was also known that he founded “the sieve of Eratosthenes”, an efficient method of identifying prime numbers.
“The name of math classroom2 is ‘Eratostenes’.”
We introduced the name of the six math classrooms and the teacher’s “station” staff room from our last blog.
We will introduce the panel of “Eratostenes” and a document to explain the panel this time.
He calculated the circumference of the earth to be 46000 kilometers, by knowing the difference of latitude and the distance of the two cities, Cyene (Aswan) and Alexandria. The value is different from real one we know now within 15 percent.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)