
Professional Exchange with " The Pioneering Program For Cross-Disciplinary Aesthetic Education In Taiwan"
近年のトレンド「STEAM」、「CDT(Craft & Design & Technology)」だけでなく、「Art & Humanities」もいっしょに教育を設計していきたいと思っています。(沼田)
11 월 25 일, 대만의 연구 그룹이 본교를 방문했습니다. 미술이나 음악 등의 예술 관계의 선생님이 많은 소속 된 연구회입니다. 그 연구회는 융합적이고 학제적인 교육에 대해 열심히 연구하고있는 연구회입니다.
도시샤 중학교의 시스템을 소개, 수업 참관, 워크샵을 제공했습니다.
도시샤 중학교 유명한 교재 “折板 구조”대만의 선생님들에게 가르쳤습니다.
최근의 트렌드 “STEAM”, “CDT (Craft & Design & Technology) ‘뿐만 아니라’Art & Humanities”도 함께 교육을 Design하고 싶다고 생각하고 있습니다. (누 마타)
On November 25, a Taiwanese research group visited our school. “Pioneering Program For Cross-Disciplinary Aesthetic Education in Taiwan” is a group that is approved by Taiwan’s Ministry of Educaton and is consisted from lot of Art teacher ( Music & Art and so). They are focusing on Cross-Disciplinary education enthusiastically.
Ex. Program
*What’s the Concept of Doshisha Junior High School education system,
*Looking around real classes & students,
*STEAM workshops which is our famous Architecture workshop of understanding “Flded Plate Structure” and I provided.
In addition to recent trends “STEAM” and “CDT (Craft & Design & Technology)”, I would like to design and improve our educational contents with “Art & Humanities” and Imorove our Initiatives with international friendship.