#1 What’s the difference between Mortar and Concrete?
#2 オリジナルテキスト
#3 記事 「モルタルを打ち込む」
#4 社会資本の未来を自分ごととしてとらえる授業
#5 『新 技術科の授業を創る:子どもの学びが教師を育てる』
学文社 https://www.gakubunsha.com/book/b528217.html
AMAZON www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4762030244
#6 Kazyta Numata An In-depth Understanding of Infrastracture through the bridge contest
An educational activity of Mixing mortar and cement will be a precious experience for thinking about future infrastructure and sustainable development of urban development.
An activity to get students to take ownership of the common problem and find the right solution for our future –
Have you ever heard of the word mortar? But you know concrete. We sometimes can not distinguish between the two. Concrete is made of cement + sand + gravel and can withstand large compressive forces. Mortar is made by subtracting gravel from concrete, that is, made of cement and sand, and because it looks finer and more beautiful than concrete, the surface of concrete structures is often covered with mortar. Therefore, it can be said that the concrete we see is actually mortar.
It’s surprisingly easy to make. All you have to do is mix sand, cement and water, pour it into a mold and wait for it to harden in a chemical reaction.(It is not so easy to bring out the strength as designed by the manufacturer. It requires strict control of the manufacturing process.)
Prepare 4 types of test pieces (pieces with a length of 50 cm) for strength testing.
The first is to embed cement + sand + water and a wire that looks like a steel frame inside. Mortar and concrete are vulnerable to tensile force, so to compensate for this, use steel wire that has strong resistance to tensile force. Also, steel, which is sensitive to acidity, is protected by alkaline concrete, so it supports each other’s weaknesses. Steel and concrete are also great partners.
The second is only cement + sand + water, no steel wire.
The third piece is mixed cement + sand + water + salt. This is an assumed case where poor material was used as aggregate. For example, beach sand. It is called “corner-cutting work”.
The fourth piece is added soda that is made from cement + sand + water +”cola”. This assumes the happening that the worker has spilled the juice when he/she was drinking.
Today, each student kneaded mortar and poured it into the formwork. We will do a strength test in the next class. We are looking forward to seeing what the results will be.
By the way, the goal of this educational activity is to give students an opportunity to think about the social infrastructure of our town as their own and to maintain and develop future social capital.
Much of our social infrastructure is made of concrete. After decades, they become obsolete and require repair work. This creates financial strain to both the city and the country. Creating new infrastructure will simultaneously increase comfort and financial strain for the future.
We must think about ways to maintain social infrastructure in order to improve quality of life for city dwellers and promote municipal wealth. Through this small educational activity, we have set the goal of promoting an individualized sense of unique ownership of social investments in future social capital and civil infrastructure.
An educational activity of Mixing mortar and cement will be a precious experience for thinking about future infrastructure and sustainable development of urban development. (Numata)
[Reference material]
# 1 What ’s the difference between Mortar and Concrete?
# 2 Original text (written in Japan)
# 3 Article “Driving in mortar” (written in Japanese)
# 4 Classes that capture the future of social capital as one’s own (written in Japanese)
# 5 “Creating a new technical class: Children’s learning nurtures teachers”
I am one of the authors. (Written in Japanese)
Gakubunsha https://www.gakubunsha.com/book/b528217.html
AMAZON www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4762030244
#6 Kazyta Numata An In-depth Understanding of Infrastracture through the bridge contest