DAY1 バーチャル模擬国連、すばらしい体験! ニューデリーのDAVスクールにて

2020年6月13日(土)、ニューデリーにあるDAV pupblic schoolが主催する模擬国連に参加させていただきました。
人権理事会の紹介:国連人権理事会(UNHRC)は、国連システム内の政府間機関です。 UNHRCは国連人権委員会(UNCHR / CHR)の後継であり、国連総会の補助機関です。評議会は人権高等弁務官事務所(OHCHR)内で緊密に連携し、国連の特別手続きに関与しています。 国連総会は、2006年3月15日に人権に関する記録の乏しい国々に許可を与えることを強く批判されていた以前の国連人権委員会に取って代わる決議(A / RES / 60/251)を採択してUNHRCを設立しました。 メンバーになる。 2007年6月、評議会は決議5/2も採択しました。これには、特別な手続きを義務付けられた保持者のための行動規範が含まれています(後で説明します)。・・・・・」
・「・・・あなたの国の人々には宗教的権利はありますか? 」
・「委員会へ:代表団、ある宗教への恐怖症だけが行われる名誉毀損ではありません。 このアジェンダには幅広い側面があり、正直なところ、私たちはその恐怖症とテロについて継続して考えている。議論を先に進め、 他の側面にも焦点を当ててください。」
DAY1: Virtual MUN, Great Experience! At DAV School in New Delhi
TECH@DJHS / 2020.6.14
On Saturday, June 13, 2020, I and my students participated in the Model United Nations at DAV pupblic school in New Delhi.
One student(G7) from Doshisha Junior High School participated in DAY1 and discussed human rights issues.
The participants need to read some documents in order to understand the outline of the discussion. Then, on behalf of the assigned country as a delegate, discuss human rights issues.
However, I was impressed with their attitude as like gentleman attitude, such as the speedy and dignified remarks of DAV school students in India and how they were involved in the remarks of others. The students who participated were wonderful students who could not be considered as junior high and high school students. I was convinced that these students will surely become future Asian leaders. As Japanese people living in the same generation, we feel that we Japanese must do our best.
The following materials are in English.
And participantsshould read documents immediately.
“Introduction to Human Rights Council:
The united Nations Human Rights Council(UNHRC) is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations System. The UNHRC is the successor to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights(UNCHR/CHR), and is a subsidiary body
of the Nations General Assembly. The council works closely within the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights(OHCHR) and engages the United Nation’s Special Procedures. The General Assembly established the UNHRC by adopting a resolution (A/RES/60/251) on 15 March 2006, in order to replace the previous UN Commission on Human Rights, which had been heavily criticized for allowing countries with poor human rights records to be members. In June 2007, the Council also adopted Resolution 5/2, containing a Code of Conduct for special procedures mandate holders(explained later).
As a Japanese junior high school student, reading such an English sentence in a short time would be quite difficult.
For Japanese students, even writing English expressions has to be a challenge. However, the debate that DAV students were doing in fron of us was not imporoving English skills but authentic discussion about real issues through English.
They focused on sharpening ethics and coming up with new ideas.
Also, the students were writing a lot in the chat.
・”Does the person in your country have religious rights?”
・ “To the Commission: …it’s not just defamation of religious phobia. There are broad dimensions to this agenda, and to be honest, we continue to think about it and terrorism. Focus on other aspects as well.”
It was also included contents that tries to move the agenda. Anyway, the participants have to put their brain into full gear.
One of our students who attended this conference is saying as follows.
“I really regretted myself not being able to speak English at this conference. And I wanted to be able to really speak English. Also, I figured out there were so many young people thinking about the “world”. It was a great experience for me and I was inspired. I would thank you for creating this opportunity.
I wondered if I could study English further more and participate again, I would feel like seeing a different scenery. (Miss.Toyao)
What a great impressive opinion it is. That makes us to find that it doesn’t matter if you can do it or not now.
And ‘Not knowing’ is not worse, worse than “Not knowing”, is not make a commitment to find out. She taught me.
(written by Numata)