オンライン国際交流 with 台湾

姉妹校 淡江高級中学とZOOM交流
1 淡江高級中学の先生に、中国語を教えていただきました。(このプログラムは、本校の生徒からの「中国語の学プロを作って欲しい」という声があったこともプログラムに追加した理由です)
2 両校の学校の生徒が、それぞれの学校生活を伝えるためのプレゼンテーションを交換し合いました。
3 生徒同士の交流を行うために“ブレイクアウト“で小グループに分かれ、自己紹介をしたりお互いの学校の様子を交流しあったりしました。
同志社中学校 記事 淡江高級中学の学びへ向かう熱意
Online exchange with sister school Tamkang High School
Seven years ago, I started visiting Asian countries and building relationships to develop international exchanges based on Technology & Engineering activities. Tamkang High School is one of the prestigious schools in Taiwan. This August, I had the wonderful opportunity of participating in an online exchange with them. Before the global COVID 19 pandemic spread, I took my students every May to visit Tamkang High School and shared a lot of exchanges, such as attending regular classes and activities of manufacturing experiences with students of Tamkang High School. Correspondingly, every November, students and teachers from Tamkang High school visit our Doshisha Junior High School and have a meaningful exchange. Hence, the online exchange project was realized following discussions with the teachers, adhering to the idea that “the international exchange that has continued for six years must not be stopped.”
1 A teacher from Tamkang High School taught us Chinese. (This class was also added to the program because there was a request from our students saying “I want to study Chinese language”)
2 Students from both schools exchanged presentations to convey a personal description of their school life.
3 In order to interact with each other, we divided into small groups at “breakout” and introduced ourselves and exchanged each school culture.
Although it was a one-day exchange, it was a very fulfilling exchange project.
After Corona, I definitely wanted to visit Taiwan and resume class exchanges with Tamkang High School.