理科教諭なべやんの「学内探訪」 Nabeyan's Column
ある時、何気なく校内を歩いていると、自然物や構造物の方から次から次にメッセ-ジが伝わってきました。今回そのメッセ-ジに促されて、「学内探訪」(適宜「学外探訪」も)と題する連載を記してみます。雑駁な文章で不足を感じる点は多々ありますが、ご一読いただきご批判、ご鞭撻いただければ幸いです。尚、英文Summaryは本校英語科のDavid Foremanが担当しています。
第92回 <学外探訪12>岩倉川の”最初の一滴”
The Iwakura River runs to the west of our school and is a tributary branch that flows into the Yodogawa River. In the upper parts of this river, there are many rice fields and the remains of historic sites, such as old homes or shrines. In the past, the river would have been a big part of the peoples’ lives, providing them with water for their agriculture and water wheels and so on.
The Iwakura River is joined by other smaller rivers along its 7km course, and it ends where it joins the Takano River.
So where is the “first drop of the Iwakura River”? It is said that it starts in the north west of the Muramatsu area, but many think it starts in a valley to the north east of the Nagatani area. The photo is the first drop at that point. Drops like this come together to form the river. This is really the start of a major river.
Even though the Iwakura River is a small river, 85 years ago on June 29th, 1935, about 270mm of rain fell and resulted in an overflow that caused floods and a lot of damage, even causing cows to be swept away. After this, deeper ceiling rivers in the area were formed to make the area safer.
By learning about the rivers around us, we can learn to see them in a different way.
《Words》 雫 drop、支流 tributary branch、名所旧跡 Historic sites、天井川 Ceiling river、洪水 flood、水車Water wheel、田んぼ rice field、農業 agriculture
第91回 <学外探訪11>拝啓 宝ヶ池のニホンジカさん
~Dear Deer?~
ある晩、京都国際会館前のアルファルト道路に立ち尽くす大きな影!? 一体何もの!?一瞬ドキっとしました。通行中の車も一旦停止…。
この影の正体はニホンジカ(Cervus nippon)でした。現在、全国的に数が増え、シカによる「害」も報道されるようになりました。「害」と思っているのはきっとヒトだけですが、宝ヶ池の南西側にある深泥池では、ある日22頭ものシカが目撃され、氷河期の遺存植物ミツガシワが食べられ、天然記念物の池の自然が危機に瀕しています。
One evening, when I was walking past the Kyoto International Conference Hall, I saw something to the side of the road and got a surprise. Some cars had even stopped.
What I saw was a Sika deer. Recently, the number of deer have been increasing around the country, and we can often see on the news about the damage that they cause, so a lot of people probably think the deer cause a lot of problems. One day, in the Mizorogaike part in the south west of Takaragaike 22 deer were seen, and they were eating the Bogbean which is a living fossil from the Ice Age, putting this national treasure in great danger.
As well as eating the undergrowth, the deer eat spiny leaves such as Holly and lately they have also been seen eating the poisonous Japanese Andromeda.
In Nara Park the deer are looked after and are known as “Messengers from God”, and they have been classed as a natural treasure..
I hope that an ideal coexistence between the deer and humans can be nurtured in Takaragaike Park, which is near our school. In order to do this, the humans need to scientifically analyze the situation over time.
《Words》 ニホンジカ Sika deer、氷河期 Ice age、深泥池 Mizorogaike pond、天然記念物 natural treasure、京都国際会館 Kyoto International Conference Hall
第90回 惑星になりきる!
Unlike the fixed stars that make up zodiac signs, the planets that are in the same category as our Earth can change their way of being viewed depending on their position in relation to the Sun and the Earth.
In our Science class, we were able to experience this very special phenomenon in an open space outdoors.
The light bulb in the middle is the Sun. We made the orbit of Venus on the inside of the Earth, and the orbit of Mars on the outside. The leader of each group was from Earth, and the other members of the group were either from Venus or Mars and they stayed in their designated positions. From these positions, they viewed the planets, taking note of their size and shape. First, the people on Earth checked the views of the planets, which don’t emit light, as if they were watching the phases of the Moon. Then they were asked to think about how the Earth is viewed from Venus or from Mars, something that is usually impossible, and observe each or these viewpoints.
The students had to change their normal position of definition and record these observations for the 12 months of the year, so they were quite busy. By doing this, they were able to move and think freely within their assumptions about outer space. Hopefully, they were also able to learn about a real celestial phenomenon by following and learning from the instructions of their leaders.
《Words》星座 zodiac signs、太陽系 Solor system、恒星 fixed star、惑星 planet、軌道 orbit、月の満ち欠け the phases of the Moon、天体現象 celestial phenomenon、仮定・想定 assumption
第89回 身近な「ふたこぶ」の中身
Our school has “two humps” close to it.
When you come up from the Kokusaikaikan subway station and look to the north, you can see the two hump-like mountains that you see in the photo. The other one is a Bactrian camel in our school. What do you think is inside each of these?
It is well known that the humps of a Bactrian camel contains fat, which is used for nutrition when the camels can’t find enough food.
As for the hump-like mountains, the southern one is Mt. Yokotaka (797m) and the northern on is Mt. Mizui (794m). Both of these humps were formed from sedimentary rock about 2 billion years ago between the Mesozoic Triassic and Jurassic periods. However, what is interesting is that near the peak of Mt Mizui we can find the igneous rock of hardened magma mixed in with the sedimentary rock. The black minerals that look like seaweed give the rocks outstanding characteristics.
This time we focused on the “two humps”, but you can discover all sorts of shapes with different meanings around yourself. It is interesting to think about shapes from a scientific point of view. Maybe you can do this when you start on your independent research this year.
《Words》ラクダ camel、こぶ hump フタコブラクダ Bactrian camel、横高山 Mt.Yokotaka、 栄養分 nutrition、中生代 Mesozoic 三畳紀 Triassic ジュラ紀 Jurassic、水井山 Mt.Mizui、堆積岩 sedimentary rock、脂肪 fat、火成岩 igneous rock
第88回 絶妙! 空と雲の表情
The blue skies on the days when the rain of the Rainy Season takes a break make us feel a sense of freedom.
A picture that truly expresses that feeling was submitted for the “2021 Student Diary Cover Design Contest”. In the water painting we can clearly see this precious period of sunlight during May and June. As we look at this painting, the blue of the sky and the way the scattered clouds are perfectly expressed make us feel as if we are actually looking up at the sky…. and a whale jumping in the sky…
The person with their back to us is holding a brush in their right hand. What do they have in their left hand? What do you think?
Many wonderful works of art were submitted for the contest. We hope we can get as many next year as well.
The “Student Diary Cover Design Contest” is a project where students can design their own artwork on the white sheet of paper that is the cover of their student diary. This can be used as a special memory for that one year.
《Words》 梅雨 Rainy Season、生徒手帳 Student Diary、絵筆 brush、表紙デザインコンテスト Cover Design Contest