理科教諭なべやんの「学内探訪」 Nabeyan's Column
ある時、何気なく校内を歩いていると、自然物や構造物の方から次から次にメッセ-ジが伝わってきました。今回そのメッセ-ジに促されて、「学内探訪」(適宜「学外探訪」も)と題する連載を記してみます。雑駁な文章で不足を感じる点は多々ありますが、ご一読いただきご批判、ご鞭撻いただければ幸いです。尚、英文Summaryは本校英語科のDavid Foremanが担当しています。
第72回 雲は風が空に描く物語
「青空を約束する白くてふわふわの晴れ雲、雨や雪を連れてくる嵐雲。畑を耕す農民たちは、雲の様子で天気を占う。…都会では雲に気づくことが少なくなった。…雲は風が空に描く物語。海を渡り、陸地を渡って進む大気の塊の航跡を示している。」 (レイチェル・カ─ソン)
さて、有名な『上を向いて歩こう』という歌の歌詞の中に「幸せは雲の上に 幸せは空の上に」とあります。
There is a saying “Autumn comes with harvest time and clear weather. Autumn with the sky clear and blue, and horses growing stout.”. We don’t hear it much, but it’s true that the sky looks special in autumn. The clouds are abundant in the sky, so if you are only looking down at your phones and iPads, you’ll miss out on seeing them. The biologist Rachel Carson wrote about the beauty of the clouds that we can see. Anytime we look up at the sky, we can see a work of art being drawn there that only lasts for that moment, before it changes to a new design.
It is said that there are 10 different basic types of clouds, but it’s also known that no two clouds are ever the same. The combination of water, clouds, and wind work together to produce a story that is chemically creative.
The first photo is an “undulates cloud”, or “wavy cloud”, which tells us that the weather is turning bad. It looks like the bones of a mackerel, so it is also called a “mackerel cloud”.
If you know the famous Japanese song “Sukiyaki”, you will know the lyrics about there being happiness in the sky above the clouds. In these times, sometimes we should look up at the sky and see what kind of story nature is telling us through its clouds.
第71回 飛翔! アブラコウモリ
岩倉川でよくみかける動物と言えば、カワムツ、 ドンコ、ヨシノボリ(魚類)、カルガモ、セグロセキレイ、コサギ、アオサギ(鳥類)、アオダイショウ、シマヘビ(爬虫類)などですが、哺乳類で言えばコウモリです。現在、地球上の哺乳類の1/4がコウモリの仲間と言われています。
写真のコウモリは小型のアブラコウモリ(Pipistrellus abramus)。夕方になると岩倉川付近でヒラヒラと飛びまわっています。視覚より超音波で周囲のようすを探ります。
While we see many animals along the Iwakura River, such as fish, birds, and reptiles, we can also see mammals such as bats. Bats make up 1/4 of the mammals in the world.
In the photos, you can see Japanese House Bats.
They can be seen flying around the Iwakura River in the evening, where they use ultrasonic waves instead of their sight to search their surroundings.
Unlike birds, bats have a membrane between their fingers that looks like wings, but is actually their hands, so the black lines in the membrane are bones, (with a thumb sticking out).
People often wonder if the blood doesn’t go to their heads when they hang upside down, but they don’t have much blood, and their veins are built to protect them.
If you see something black flying near a river by your house, it might be a mammal just like you.
第70回 植物はいつもステイホーム
Now, people around the world are being asked to “stay home”, but we should remember that plants have always been staying home. They grow where they fall as a seed, getting the water, light and nutriments there. When people wanted to eat rice or wheat, they moved to where the plants were.
Stefano Mancuso said that people have a lot to learn from plants and it’s time to appreciate them more. While people only have 5 senses, it is thought that plants have 20.
They use these senses to process information and control the data from things they get from their surroundings, such as light, humidity, carbon dioxide, and even gravity. It’s like they have a network in their roots to make decisions. We can’t see underground, so we don’t usually realize how plants grow. When the season comes, the plants spread their seeds, feed animals, produce food, medicines, and energy for people, providing so much for us. People really should learn the secret of how to stay home from plants.
第69回 イチョウの葉を観る
The new Corona Virus has been affecting people in many ways, but animals and plants haven’t been feeling this so much.
Around our school, you can see many Ginkgo trees, looking the same as always, so, even in this “Era of Corona”, we should think about the nature around us.
This time, I want to introduce to you the leaves of The Ginkgo. If you look closely, you can see how the veins of the leaf increase as you move from the root. This makes them look like a fan. The reason for this can be explained by using the Telome Theory.
Ginkgo are said to be living fossils, and examples of Ginkgo have been found in rock formations from 270 million years ago, from when they are thought to have developed into their current form.
While you were staying home, did you start to think about things in a different way? Maybe, it’s a chance to discover the “new normal”. Sometimes, you should take a rest and look at the leaves around yourself.
第68回 新たな出会い
It was a sunny spring day on April 5th when we held our Entrance Ceremony in the Chapel. 296 new students entered our school full of energy, bringing the total of students to 880.
The Principal introduced the flowers that were set up on the stage, and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom as the students made their way to the chapel. These flowers are part of the nature that we can experience at our campus as the seasons change. They, as well as the students who study at our school, make us think about life and education within our campus, and we pray for their wellbeing throughout the year.