理科教諭なべやんの「学内探訪」 Nabeyan's Column
ある時、何気なく校内を歩いていると、自然物や構造物の方から次から次にメッセ-ジが伝わってきました。今回そのメッセ-ジに促されて、「学内探訪」(適宜「学外探訪」も)と題する連載を記してみます。雑駁な文章で不足を感じる点は多々ありますが、ご一読いただきご批判、ご鞭撻いただければ幸いです。尚、英文Summaryは本校英語科のDavid Foremanが担当しています。
第82回 寒い朝の水の作品
One very cold morning, when I went to check on the cabbages in the Science Department’s outdoor media space, I was able to see a natural work of art.
“Water”(H₂O) makes up 60~70% of our bodies and there is a plentiful supply of it around us. The ways in which water expresses itself is mysterious. Ukichirou Nakaya wrote in the essay “Snow is a Letter from Heaven” about how the shapes of snowflakes are such various and beautiful things.
A solid that has the ability to float on its own liquid is very rare, as most solids sink within liquids, yet we live with such a liquid.
In the photos you can see frost in various shapes and forms on the leaves. Some of them are in needlelike forms, some are droplets of water that have melted once, but then frozen again. These frosts form on the leaves when the temperature falls below 0℃ in the morning, expressing themselves in a variety of ways as if they are part of an exhibition.
I don’t like going out on a cold morning, but let’s be brave and go out to visit this “free exhibitions” produced by nature.
第81回 <学外探訪9>カムチャツカからの使者
ユリカモメは、繁殖地のカムチャツカ半島から数千キロ離れた京都鴨川まで飛来し、春先まで過ごします。5月頃になると頭部の羽が黒くなり、まさしく英名「Black headed Gull」となってカムチャツカに戻ります。
A lot of migrating birds such as Swallows and Thrushes can be seen around our school, but this time I will introduce a bird that can be seen during the winter along the Kamogawa River.
The Black Headed Gulls flies several thousand kilometers to Kyoto from its breeding grounds in Kamchatka Peninsula, where they stay until spring. Around May, the feathers on their heads darken to black and the “Black Headed Gulls” fly back to the Kamchatka Peninsula.
These gulls were first seen in Kyoto in 1974, and I helped bird researchers to capture them in nets and tag them with bands on their legs. We lured them with bird whistles and caught them in nets. We then put them in cloth bags to calm them down for a while before we weighed them and recorded their details. Then we put metal colored bands from the Ministry of Environment on their legs. This was part of a shared research project with Professor Gerasimov in Russia.
I cannot forget the time I took a gull out of the cloth bag and it turned its neck around and bit me. I got to see the power of nature.
If you get a chance to see any of these gulls with tags on their legs, please take a photo for me.
第80回 骨格のある風景
Every year, during the second semester, we study about “Life, Sexuality, and Death” in the Year 3 Science class. This year too, we studied about the human skeleton, the brain and nerves, the senses, digestion, respiration and so on. As for sexuality, we learnt about “Date DV”, pregnancy and birth, and about sexual minorities such as “LGBTQ” and so on. Finally, when looking at death, we each made a “Life Calendar”.
In addition to this, we asked the students to draw a diagram of a skeleton for their homework as a conclusion to their study of evolution. The theme for this was “Outdo Vesalius!”. Vesalius was a Belgian anatomist who was famous for his diagrams of skeletons, so we told the students to try to outdo him.
The students did their best and produced some unique diagrams. As you can see, one picture even had a skeleton dancing with different types of cells from the body. By completing projects like this, we hope that our students can improve their originality and creativity skills for the future.
第79回 <学外探訪8>白きたおやかな舞い
With the start of this new year, we will introduce a dance by a pure white bird.
Our school is located in the Oosagi area of Sakyo-ward. To the south east of this area is the Kami-Takano-Oosaki area, so we could assume that it is because of it being a famous area for herons. We know, by looking at old maps, that there were several swamps that were caused by flooding in the area. Even one of the buildings in our school is named “Shirasagi”.
White herons are often called Shirasagi in Japanese, but there are actually no birds with the name Shirasagi. It’s only because their bodies are white. Along the Iwakura River, we can see Little Egrets, Great Egrets, and Gray Herons. The Little Egret is, as it is named, a smaller bird with yellow on its legs. The Great Egret and Gray Heron are different species, but are often seen hanging around together.
It’s interesting that herons seem to look good in snowy weather. Because it’s cold, we shouldn’t just stay inside, we should get out for a change and feel the fresh cold air, while we feel the nature that is around us. Of course, we should dress up warmly. Exercise is good for building up our natural immunity, so it could be a good countermeasure against the Covid-19 virus.
第78回 <学外探訪7>岩倉川に「清流の宝石」が飛ぶ!
本校のすぐ西側を流れる岩倉川で、少し立ち止まって川面を眺めてみましょう! 水面近くをほぼ水面に平行に飛翔する鳥と出会うことができれば、カワガラスかカワセミです。
Continuing on from last time, we will introduce some birds this time.
If you go for a walk along the Iwakura River to the west of our school, you can see birds flying close to the surface of the water. It’s likely that these birds are either Brown Dippers or Kingfishers. The Brown Dipper has a black body and is the size of a Bulbul. The Kingfisher is a smaller bird with bright colors.
It is said that the front of a 500 Series Bullet Train is a very similar shape to the beak of a Kingfisher. The Kingfisher in the photos has a black beak, so it is a male.
While watching the Kingfisher, it suddenly made a dive into the river and came back to its resting place with a fish in its mouth. I could also see that it had a nest nearby.
When the male Kingfisher finds a female mate, it presents it with fish. This is called “Courtship Feeding”, and the courtship is successful if the female takes the fish.
It’s a cold season, but the amount of nature around us is infinite. Please try to get outside this winter for a slow walk and feel relaxed by the warmth that nature provides for us.