Unlike the fixed stars that make up zodiac signs, the planets that are in the same category as our Earth can change their way of being viewed depending on their position in relation to the Sun and the Earth.
In our Science class, we were able to experience this very special phenomenon in an open space outdoors.
The light bulb in the middle is the Sun. We made the orbit of Venus on the inside of the Earth, and the orbit of Mars on the outside. The leader of each group was from Earth, and the other members of the group were either from Venus or Mars and they stayed in their designated positions. From these positions, they viewed the planets, taking note of their size and shape. First, the people on Earth checked the views of the planets, which don’t emit light, as if they were watching the phases of the Moon. Then they were asked to think about how the Earth is viewed from Venus or from Mars, something that is usually impossible, and observe each or these viewpoints.
The students had to change their normal position of definition and record these observations for the 12 months of the year, so they were quite busy. By doing this, they were able to move and think freely within their assumptions about outer space. Hopefully, they were also able to learn about a real celestial phenomenon by following and learning from the instructions of their leaders.
《Words》星座 zodiac signs、太陽系 Solor system、恒星 fixed star、惑星 planet、軌道 orbit、月の満ち欠け the phases of the Moon、天体現象 celestial phenomenon、仮定・想定 assumption