ユリカモメは、繁殖地のカムチャツカ半島から数千キロ離れた京都鴨川まで飛来し、春先まで過ごします。5月頃になると頭部の羽が黒くなり、まさしく英名「Black headed Gull」となってカムチャツカに戻ります。
A lot of migrating birds such as Swallows and Thrushes can be seen around our school, but this time I will introduce a bird that can be seen during the winter along the Kamogawa River.
The Black Headed Gulls flies several thousand kilometers to Kyoto from its breeding grounds in Kamchatka Peninsula, where they stay until spring. Around May, the feathers on their heads darken to black and the “Black Headed Gulls” fly back to the Kamchatka Peninsula.
These gulls were first seen in Kyoto in 1974, and I helped bird researchers to capture them in nets and tag them with bands on their legs. We lured them with bird whistles and caught them in nets. We then put them in cloth bags to calm them down for a while before we weighed them and recorded their details. Then we put metal colored bands from the Ministry of Environment on their legs. This was part of a shared research project with Professor Gerasimov in Russia.
I cannot forget the time I took a gull out of the cloth bag and it turned its neck around and bit me. I got to see the power of nature.
If you get a chance to see any of these gulls with tags on their legs, please take a photo for me.