本校のすぐ西側を流れる岩倉川で、少し立ち止まって川面を眺めてみましょう! 水面近くをほぼ水面に平行に飛翔する鳥と出会うことができれば、カワガラスかカワセミです。
Continuing on from last time, we will introduce some birds this time.
If you go for a walk along the Iwakura River to the west of our school, you can see birds flying close to the surface of the water. It’s likely that these birds are either Brown Dippers or Kingfishers. The Brown Dipper has a black body and is the size of a Bulbul. The Kingfisher is a smaller bird with bright colors.
It is said that the front of a 500 Series Bullet Train is a very similar shape to the beak of a Kingfisher. The Kingfisher in the photos has a black beak, so it is a male.
While watching the Kingfisher, it suddenly made a dive into the river and came back to its resting place with a fish in its mouth. I could also see that it had a nest nearby.
When the male Kingfisher finds a female mate, it presents it with fish. This is called “Courtship Feeding”, and the courtship is successful if the female takes the fish.
It’s a cold season, but the amount of nature around us is infinite. Please try to get outside this winter for a slow walk and feel relaxed by the warmth that nature provides for us.