As we move from summer to autumn, the Summer Darter Dragonflies disappear and the trees around the school start to change. The Chinese Quince trees in the west of the school are bearing fruit that bring a relaxing fragrance to the area.
Speaking of bearing fruit for the next generation, what kind of secrets do plants rely on for their survival?
The Fig trees that are growing in the outdoor Science Media Space attract Brown-eared Bulbuls and Starlings that peck at the fruit. The Fragrant Orange-colored Olive trees attract flies and bees with their fragrances for them to carry away pollen. The trees use their sweetness and fragrances to trick the animals into spreading their seeds.
By the way, the fruit and vegetables that we get from the supermarket are there because we humans like them or because of economics, but it could be said that the plants are using humans to be spread to many places.
Next time you go to the supermarket, think about how the plants are carrying out their skillful strategy.