「あなたの心をHigh!! ジャック ~俺らの夏は終わらない~」のテ-マで繰り広げられた学園祭も、フィナ-レの「後夜祭」で幕を閉じました。1年生から3年生までどのクラスの発表も、また「輝舞祭」でのどの分団も、みんなでいろいろ考え、工夫した独創性が光りました。
The recently held school festival ended with a dance party in the courtyard of the Risshikan building. This followed the yearly “Kibusai” dance competition.
These events were so full of students’ energy that they even stopped a typhoon from coming our way. The students, in their colorful class t-shirts, made it look like flowers were blooming in the courtyard.
The student council, along with many students helping them, had been planning the school festival since April, which is sure to be a great experience for them.
After events, such as the sports day and school festival, students get a chance to relax and reflect on their school life while they can concentrate on their study.