「天は神の栄光を物語り 大空は御手の業を示す。昼は昼に語り伝え 夜は夜に 知識を送る。」 (詩編/19.2-3)
「水が海を覆っているように 大地は主を知る知識で満たされる。」 (イザヤ/11.9) 「わたしはまことのぶどうの木 あなたがたはその枝である。 人がわたしにつながっており わたしもその人につながっていれば その人は豊かに実を結ぶ。」 (ヨハネ/15.5)
Every day, as we enter the school chapel, we pass under some terracotta reliefs. Often, people don’t notice them, but they have a lot of meaning.
The one in the middle represents our “Father in Heaven”, and it has the 2nd and 3rd parts of Psalm 19 written underneath it.To the left and below is a relief containing the 6 liberal arts, or “callings” that Doshisha provides for its students. To its right is a relief containing a grape vine, which shows how every student is connected to Christ, Doshisha and to each other.
Liberal Arts is said to be a set of “skills that sets you free”. Please stand below the reliefs, and gain the ability to discover your future.