立志館1階の北西廊下には、時間と空間が周囲とは異質な場所があります。ここでは、2021年度2年生の生徒のみなさんが創意工夫を凝らしたシ-トが展示されていて、その内容が時空を超えた実に興味深い内容となっています。「時を越える歌仙めぐり」「バブル時代で遊びまくり」「北海道を食べ尽そう」「貴族のリアルに迫る! 紫式部と過ごす1泊2日」などの見出しも見事です。
A Trip Through Time and Space
On the first floor of the Risshikan Building, there is a place that is different to everything around it. This is where the creative and elaborate projects by last year’s Year 2 students are on display, each of which contains a trip through time and space with their interesting contents. The titles are “Poetry Through Time”, “Having fun in Bubble Times”, “Eating in Hokkaido”, “Being close to Nobility. Spending a night with Murasaki Shikibu”, and so on.
Ms. Yagi, the teacher in charge of the assignment, made the following comments.
“Let’s travel through time! Campaign Plans”
This is an assignment that the 2021 Year 2 students worked on in their Social Studies classes. The contents were based on the theme “If we had a Time Machine…”, and the students had to imagine that they were travel agents who had planned a tour. They chose an area of Japan and planned a tour that spanned an era. They had to think of a plan that included both geographic and historic elements. Because the students needed to take into consideration the present situation in the area, as well as its past, including events, people, scenery, and culture, it meant that they were able to include all aspects of their Social Studies classes through this project. During each class, the students enjoyed working on their ideas.
The students made colorful posters about their tours with information about things such as tour dates and highlights, as well as souvenirs and so on.
《Words》elaborate 念入りに仕上げた、凝った、精巧な、agent 代理人、セ-ルスマン、souvenir お土産、記念品、geographic and historic elements 地理的、歴史的要素