キバシリ(Certhia familiaris)は、スズメ目キバシリ科の野鳥で、京都府では準絶滅危惧種に指定されています。『京都府レッドデ-タブック2015』には、「府内では芦生、愛宕山、比叡山などに周年生息するが、局所的で個体数は極めて少ない。ブナやミズナラなどの落葉広葉樹林、スギ、モミなどの古木のある混交林に生息している。」と記されています。
On May 14th, I had a new experience. Have you ever seen a Eurasian Treecreeper?
The Eurasian Teecreeper (Certhia familiaris) is a family within the Passerine order of birds, and is considered to be a near threatened species in Kyoto. According to data from 2015, these birds can only be found in very small numbers, living in several places around Kyoto, such as Mt. Hiei, where a mixture of old trees are growing in the woods.
The Eurasian Treecreeper in the photos was standing on the asphalt south of the Souenkan building on the morning of the 14th. It didn’t fly away when I approached it and appeared to be concussed after hitting one of the school building’s windows, so I put on some gloves to go and help it, but it flew up and perched on the brick wall. To protect it from weasels and so on, I put it in our birdhouse.
After it had rested for a while, it seemed to have the energy to fly around, so I opened the door and let it out. It flew straight to a Muku Tree and started looking for insects. After that, it flew away somewhere. If the Eurasian Treecreeper that I met has flown towards Mt. Hiei and is living happily there, then I will be happy too.
《Words》 キバシリ Eurasian Treecreeper、準絶滅危惧種 Near Threatened Species、比叡山 Mt.Hiei、(分類上の)科 family、~によれば according to~、想遠館 Souenkan building、鳥小屋 birdhouse、しばらくの間 for a while