(数学科 園田)
Albert Einstein(1879-1955)was a Jewish scientist, born in Germany. He proposed “the special theory of relativity”in 1905. He presented “general theory of relativity”and won the Nobel prize for physics in 1922. He visited to Japan and stayed for a month in the autumn of 1922. There are great results than the above. For example, quantum theory of light and a Brownian motion. In 1933, he immigrated to US to avoid persecution of Nazi and lived in Princeton. He requested to president to make atomic bomb. But his old days, he was against the war with many scientist.
“The name of math classroom 3 is ‘Einstein’.”
We introduced the name of the six math classrooms and the teacher’s “station” staff room from our before last blog.
We will introduce the panel of “Einstein” and a document to explain the panel this time.
We maybe have an experience where we see train across the tracks run at twice the speed of our train. We also feel our train started to move when a train across the tracks did. Speed is relative like this. But only speed of light is constant. Einstein had a doubt about this fact and promoted research, and finally he completed “Theory of relativity”. You may feel it is a curious thing. “Theory of relativity” explains that the way of time proceeds different in different situations. For example, time on a GPS satellite is faster than on the earth, so it is more than 10 kilometers off the exact position a day without time correction. So a clock on a GPS satellite is corrected to be late by 38 seconds of 1 million per day.
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)