このポスターはドイツ・フランクフルトの近く、ギーセンにある数学博物館で購入しました。この数学博物館Mathematikum(マスマティクム)を訪問したことが本校で博物館を作ろうと思い立ったきっかけです。(数学科 園田)
“The posters of pi”
We have a poster which shows 10000 digit of pi in our math museum on 2nd floor. Maybe you can find your birthday and memorial days written in 4 digit number in this poster. And you can find 29th November (1129) that is the day our school Doshisha was founded, 3rd May (0503) that is constitution day of Japan.
We have another poster of pi. 50000 digit of pi is written on the wall of the hallway. I went to German math museum “Mathematikum” at Guisen and bought it. I visited there and had an idea to make math museum in our school.