ルート1(√1)からルート75(√75)まで13種類のカードがありますから、普通のトランプで遊べるゲームは全てできます。ルート4(√4)= 2がありますから、「大富豪」だって楽しめるのです。
(数学科 園田)
“Square Root Cards”
We made “Square Root Cards” to help study math with 9th grade students in 2014. Students can study square root happily using this card game.
Many schools in all the prefectures in Japan use more than 2400 sets at present.We show some big cards on the second floor in Do★MATH. The 4 cards mean the same value as follows.
This card game consist of 13 kinds of cards, so we can play same the kinds of games as normal card games, such as Concentration, Old Maid, Sevens, Daifugo (Japanese card game) , and so on.
For elementary school students, you can also enjoy “Square Root Cards” with your family by knowing 2 rules, one is that we square the number when we put natural number into √ , the other is that we can multiply numbers in √ with each other.
Let’s enjoy it!
by Tsuyoshi Sonoda (Math Dept.)